When we bought our tickets to Africa I immediately started planning how to make the most of our time. I think there are two kinds of travelers, those who take it slow and soak everything in in one area, and those who hop around trying to see as much as possible. I definitely fall into the latter category.
When I say we packed A LOT into our time in Africa, I really mean it! We covered 4 countries in two weeks. I don’t always think this is the best way to travel and really hate spending precious vacation time inside airports moving to a new city, but our trip was surprisingly not too hectic and we both left feeling relaxed AND that we accomplished a lot. I’m so happy with how our itinerary turned out. We had a little bit of everything in there… nature, beach, vineyards and city.
When planning a trip of this magnitude, on a continent that’s chock full of so much, it helps to determine “must-dos” and plan around those. Our must-dos were a safari, Devil’s Pool in Victoria Falls and Cape Town. Given these three priorities and how huge the continent is, we knew we would have to fly a few times while in Africa. Here’s pretty much how our itinerary shook out, which a slight change that I wish we had made:
We flew direct from NYC to Johannesburg (Joburg) and immediately transferred to a flight to Kasane, Bostwana. We stayed in Botswana for 3 nights doing a safari in Chobe National Park (such an amazing experience!) and then took a car transfer up to Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls separates Zimbabwe and Zambia and we stayed in Zambia but took a day trip to view the falls from both countries. After two night in Vic Falls, we flew down to Cape Town to close out our trip. We actually only did a day trip to the South African wine region of Stellenbosch and Franschhoek, but looking back I wish we spent a couple nights up there. The vineyards are only a 40 minute drive from Cape Town, so a totally easy day trip, but we we fell in love with the area and a full day just didn’t cut it.
Next I’m going to break down the different parts of our trip and share what we did in each location, my thoughts and tips. Hope you have a great weekend!

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